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Sunday 18 October 2020

Welcome !

I won't write a whole essay for this. I know you'll be bored :))

This blog has been in my must-do plan list for months. And finally it is launched! This is just a first step and there are still tons of work to do to develop it as I wanted.
I named it "The Physics Blog" (quite a cliché, isn't it? I struggled at the beginning to create a link for it since names such as "thephysicsblog", "physicsland", "physicslovers"... have all been used - well, physics is more popular than I thought :))) This blog is a travel journal which keeps records about journeys I've made, people I've met, my experiences and even my feelings on my way to become a theoretical physicist. 

Most of the time, the theoretical side of physics is underestimated. You may have met many people who wonder what physicists are doing with all those counter-intuitive and unrealistic theories - Quantum Mechanics for example. What is the sense of saying "The position of an object is very uncertain since it is at rest"? - WHAT ?! Another example: Quantum Mechanics claims that the state of a system is suspended among possibilities. By the acts of measuring (looking at it etc...), you forced it to choose a state (a famous thought experiment that illustrates this is Schrodinger's Cat - I will publish a post about it soon). Let's think about the moon. You see it shining bright, beautifully in a lovely night. It is right there, over the tallest building in your eye sight. But if you now turn away, it might whizzle all over the sky - who can guarantee that it will stay in the same position when you're not looking at it? It sounds crazy, doesn't it? - "That theory of Quantum Mechanics is too bizarre to be true!". Well, but it IS true indeed (sorry about that). Your computers, smart phones (or even an old fashioned mobile phone) operate based on the laws of Quantum Mechanics. It governs the realm of small particles (by small, I mean objects at atomic scale). It is in the heart of every modern automatic machine. Unrealistic idea turns out to be true! So maybe the reality we experience everyday is not really "reality" after all? This is what a theoretical physicist does: to find out the reality in every bit of information in this universe - and maybe in other universes, too! Fascinating, isn't it?

This post is reaching to the end by now - PHEW........ I told you at the beginning that I wouldn't write a whole essay, didn't I? Haha, sorry, I couldn't stop :)) Too many interesting things to talk about. So, I'm sorry about this very long opening post and thank you for your patience! All I want to say is:

WELCOME TO THE PHYSICS BLOG, all physics lovers and future physics lovers!

(I'll see you soon in the next post. If you are interested in any particular topics, you're more than welcome to email me and we will discuss it on here or via email if you prefer.)

Update: I've just changed the name of this blog to "Grilled Physics". No metaphor here, just to make it more attractive (grills are attractive, aren't they? ^____^) and unique

--- Meo Fisica ---


  1. I'm very excited with your plans. So, come on !!!

    1. Thanks. Sorry for the wait. I will publish the next post on 15th of December and it will be about Schrodinger's cat.
